Maja Mannila (FIN)
Maja Mannila – vocals and keyboards
Johannes Granroth – electric bass
Severi Sorjonen – drums
Maja Mannila is a young and impressive jazz/soul singer, pianist and composer. Together with her trio, which includes Severi Sorjonen (drums) and Johannes Granroth (bass), she performs her own songs in English in a style combining jazz, r'n'b, soul, and gospel. She points out the importance of freedom and fun when it comes to creating and playing music. In the future Mannila strives towards recording and performing internationally both with her trio and as solo artist. Maja's debut album Up & Down was released in June 2022.
"Att Up & Down uttryckligen är Maja Mannilas skiva står ändå klart, så till vida att hon inte bara själv står för samtliga elva låtarna – inklusive ett kortare intro och mellanspel – utan i synnerhet för att texterna har en så påfallande personlig prägel. Och att hon verkligen är en speciell sångarförmåga med ett brett uttryck går inte att ta miste på."
– Ralf Sandell, Hufvudstadsbladet 18.8.2022
“We want to find a way to be able to tour around the world for as long as possible, without being part of destroying it in the process. And as for equality, as a woman in the music business I feel that we still have a long way to go. I hope we can combine our dream of sharing our music with making a change in the world for the better. ”