In The Key Of Green Project Report Released!
The 2020–2021 Nordic Jazz Comets project has now reached its final stages, and the project report is out. The report is both a casebook of the 2021 tours, and an introduction to the NORDIC approach on environmental sustainability and jazz touring.
First and foremost we, as the five national jazz organizations, would like to thank the whole project team of 19 promoters – jazz clubs, festivals and venues – and the five bands who participated in the NJC In The Key Of Green in 2020–2021. Secondly, we wouldn’t have been able to make this happen, especially during the challenging pandemic times, without the financial support from the Nordisk Kulturfond. So thank you very very much!
View and download report here: link to Dropbox.
The report is divided into four sections:
Pages 1–8 cover general introductions to sustainable development in the Nordic region. This section you might want to read through when you’re planning (inter-)Nordic projects.
Pages 9–13 focus on starting your journey into sustainable development. This section you might want to flick through for inspiration and practical steps in the planning stage.
Pages 14–21 present you the tours that the five bands and the network of promoters planned together for September 2021. The bands each had a tour “theme” that they paid attention to before and while on tour, and the concert organizers looked at their individual productions from the climate perspective. The tour dates and routes were planned together. So this section provides you some examples of Nordic tours, and practical tips and tricks for agents/bands and promoters.
In the final pages we wrap up the project and its findings.
Much of these findings we take with us to the next edition of Nordic Jazz Comets, that takes place in 2022–2023. We hope that you share your findings and feedback about this report and/or project to, so we can all benefit from each others’ knowledge and experiences!
FIH Music School Iceland, Norsk jazzforum, Jazz Danmark, Finnish Jazz Federation, Svensk Jazz.